
We are looking for highly-motivated educators committed to completing the one-year program.

Applicant Criteria:

  • Must be an educator
  • Must teach in East Tennessee
  • Must obtain a letter of endorsement from your principal or department head 
  • Must be a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident
    • Note, with additional support we hope to open this to all educators

Why Should You Participate?:

You will become part of a team that develops and implements a novel mosquito, geoscience, and communication in-service academy with teacher-developed curriculum. Educators involved in this community-driven program will take an active role in identifying Aedes populations and educating the community on entomology and geospatial technologies.

Participating-Educator Benefits:

  • Those who complete the Academy will receive a certificate, continuing education units (if requested), and up to $1000 stipend to compensate for time and effort​
  • Be invited to participate in the following’s years evening symposium and share their experiences with the community
  • Be encouraged to serve as mentors for future cohorts
  • Forge relationships with educators, faculty, industry, and government leaders
  • Develop the necessary skills to integrate food and agricultural science concepts in their classes while learning about career paths with their students in entomology, geosciences, and communications
  • Help generate and evaluate new pieces of curriculum for medical entomology, geospatial analyses, and communications; lunch and learn videos for promoting career paths, workshop material for hosting similar academies; and experiential learning opportunities
  • Design and train a workforce capable of running an authentic surveillance program.
  • Educate a workforce (which includes students and the community) in entomology, geospatial technologies, and agricultural sciences.

Educational and Workforce-Related Benefits:

  • Participation informs the community of entomology and geospatial careers and opportunities and develops a workforce interested in agricultural careers.
  • Development of an educational and community-based surveillance program enhances education and awareness.
  • Development of curriculum and informational materials (e.g., digital and printed communication material) will help community programs and health departments make informed decisions regarding mosquito control.
  • Resulting mosquito data will be used to enhance the prediction of mosquito populations, pathogen transmission periods, and prevent the onset of disease.

Before you apply please prepare the following:

In the application, you will be required to:

(1) Email a letter of support (View and download a letter template) from your principal or immediate supervisor directly to with the subject line: MEGA:BITESS LOS.

(2) Provide your answers to a series of open response questions. It is best that you prepare your responses in advance and copy/paste them into the application. 

They are:

  • Why are you interested in the MEGA:BITESS Academy? (100 word maximum)
  • How could you incorporate what you learn in the Academy into your classroom? (100 word maximum)
  • What challenges or obstacles do you think you will face during the Academy? (100 word maximum)
  • How will you overcome these challenges or obstacles? (100 word maximum)
  • Why should you be selected for the MEGA:BITESS Academy? (100 word maximum)

Key Dates for 2022-2023 Cohort:

  • Application deadline May 30, 2022
  • Summer Workshop June 20-24, 2022
  • GIS Workshop to be determined by educator & project team
  • Communications Workshop to be determined by educator & project team

Application Website: